Our projects

Autonomous fixed-wing drone

Created an autopilot system for a fixed-wing UAV to control roll, pitch, altitude, course, and airspeed.

Achieved accurate and stable flight control, enabled autonomous operation of the UAV using MATLAB, Simulink, C++, Python, ROS, and Modern Controls techniques

Used for landscape surveying, surveillance and tracking.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
Auto-Landing drone on a moving delivery vehicle

Developed a system for precise landing of a Quadcopter on a moving ground vehicle. Implemented GPS and image-based position estimation using MATLAB, Simulink, C++, Python, ROS, and Modern Controls techniques

Achieved successful Quadcopter landing on a moving ground vehicle, demonstrated precise positioning capabilities.

Used for Robot Door-delivery applications.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Travel Business Automation

Developed an automated end-to-end application for a long distance cab service using React.js, MongoDB and Python Django.

Used for Car booking, tracking and Bill generation.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building